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Our family history goes back to our great father the leader the hero Salah Eddin Al-Ayyoubi. When the hero Salah Eddin Al-Ayyoubi came to liberate Jerusalem, we had the honor to come with his army to Palestine. In 1186, the hero captured Jerusalem and subsequently the rest of the kingdom. Except for a few coastal cities, the Holy land was in his power. The decisive victory over the occupation of Crusaders was made at Hitteen nearby Lake of Tabaria. This victory reflected the extraordinary military skills, resolve and wisdom of the hero Salah Eddin. In addition to his exemplar courage and firm belief in Allah, he was equally a rationally minded leader who knew well when to make war and when to make peace. Besides his great military victories, the hero Salah Eddin also built schools such as al-Nasseriya school adjoining Amr Ibn-Elass Mosque to teach Shafiite jurisprudence and another for Malekite jurisprudence. He built mosques, roads and repaired irrigation barrages and canals. He also built the famous Citadel named after him. He died and was buried in Damascus, Syria on March, 1193.

In Hebron, there is what called "Dewan Elakrad" - (Click on this link to see the Al-Ayyoubi families list) - which is shared by all the families that came with the Salah Eddin Al-Ayyoubi when he liberated Palestine. We have found old documents that exist in the court house "Elmahkameh Elshareyah" in Jerusalem and Hebron that get back to 800 years ago. We have some copies of those documents and I might post some of those documents later on this website.

In the next update to this website, you will find more details about our family history. Also you will find few links that will lead you to more information about the hero Salah Eddin Al-Ayyoubi.


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