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As I mentioned in my main page that my mission, at this stage, is to make this website a meeting point. We might be able to use this website for other benefits too. For now, the following targets have been set:

1. To give a brief history about our family, especially about our great father the leader the hero Salah Eddin Al-Ayyoubi and about the Kurds and the Kurds’ families that came to Palestine when the hero Salah Eddin liberated Jerusalem. In addition to that, I wanted to post what we have accomplished of our family tree and ask our family members to provide us with more information to be able to complete that assignment.

2. To provide some photos / sketches of our great father, the hero Salah Eddin Al-Ayyoubi, historical pictures about holy sites in Palestine in addition to some old pictures for our grand fathers that been taken early in the nineteenth century or even the eighteenth century.

3. To create a list of our family members with their e-mail addresses.

4. To send a monthly or semi annual newsletter by e-mail to family members that are interested. The newsletter will have general information and issues that concern our community.

5. To list all our community members’ business that they have websites on line.

6. To list a variety of beneficial websites with a brief explanation of the benefit of browsing those sites.

7. To list some websites that include accurate information about the history of our capital Jerusalem.

I hope that this mission will be delivered to our family members. As I mentioned earlier, I am very open for any suggestions or contributions to enhance this website.

Once again, please feel free to send me your feedback - using the feedback form - of what you think of this website and how we could make this website serve us better.


Home Mission Family History Family Tree Photo Album Members Directory Newsletter Our Business on Line On the Net About Jerusalem Feedback About the Web Master